3-Year-Old Girl Bonds with Newborn Brother Through Skin-to-Skin Contact

A lady in the US made the decision to give birth to her daughter at home. This event was finally able to happen after much planning, and the entire tiny family found it to be a very pleasurable experience. Options vary in how original they are from birth. A mother of two from the US named Rebecca made the choice to have a home birth for her 3-year-old daughter, Hunter. She wanted to give her daughter and her new baby son Rory an unforgettable family memory. She and her husband decided to give birth to their son at home in their daughter’s presence rather than in the maternity ward while she was expecting a boy. their doula, who is both a moral and practical accompanies a couple during and after pregnancy), as well as by a birth photographer, Rebecca gave birth right on the sofa in his living room.

She explains that one of the reasons she wanted to give birth at home was because she had a daughter when she was a baby. I don’t want to be apart from Hunter, therefore I want to let her come and go as she pleases. She also chose to give birth in the living room as opposed to giving birth in the ocean for this reason. Her husband arrived and brought their 3-year-old son Hunter into the room as she began to experience labor. Nicole Lachey, a photographer who also served as her doula during labor, claims that she was initially reticent before eventually getting more involved. She would give her mother gentle pats on the back while complimenting her on a job well done, and she wouldn’t stop expressing how glad she was to meet her ‘baby,’” she said. “When Rory started wearing the crown, the midwife invited Hunter over to be the first to touch her little brother. Hunter happily reached out and put her finger on his head and said ‘it’s so soft.’”

While some did not share this conception of childbirth, Rebecca justified her choice by saying that by having her daughter participate in every aspect of her brother’s birth, it was This allowed her to develop a very strong relationship with him. Immediately after he was born, she was able to have skin-to-skin contact with him, reinforcing the intensity of this moment. Then a question: How could such a child react so well to an event that attracted the attention of so many adults? The current birth photographer explains that Rebecca talked a lot with Hunter about what she would see or hear during the birth, so she wouldn’t be surprised or taken care of. Thanks to all that preparation, even as his mother screamed, Hunter didn’t look away for a second.

The best way to prepare children for such an event, according to Nicole, is to show them movies of actual births, talk to them about every part of delivery, and above all, introduce them to it from a positive perspective. Share this common experience with your children so they learn early on that childbirth is nothing to a bear. Strength is birth. Hunter was unflinching in her ability to encourage and assist her mother. What do you think about bringing a young child into the labor?

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