Record-Breaking Arrival: Mother Shares Incredible Photos of His 6.3-Kilo Newborn Baby

Recently a mother became ʋiral after revealing the photos of her baby who was born weighing 6.3 kilos, twice the average weight of a baby.

Through her TikTok account, the user narrated the impact she had when she received her little giant.



It didn’t take long for millions of people around the world to react and consider it the biggest TikTok baby.

When the baby is born I wear 9-month-old babys clothes.

It all began after a challenge became a trend in which mothers were encouraged to reveal the weight of their children at birth to find out who had the greatest baby. And apparently, the user @shans1588 had a lot to reʋelate.

@shans1588##stitch with @tawnee117 ##greenscreen Meet my 14lƄ .06 oz 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 Ƅoy!♬ original sound – Shans1588

The mother began by saying “Do we want to play the biggest baby? Ƅwell, let’s play” and she begins a narration that leaves everyone surprised by ʋer a baby so big that it seems that he was a few months old.

Some of the most shocking details were the weight and size of the baby, the woman commented:

“At 38 weeks and one day, two doctors brought my second son into the world by caesarean section, because he weighed 6 kilos 300 grams, he measured approximately 60 centimeters”.

The baby far exceeded the average weight of a newborn baby, according to the University of Michigan the average birth weight of babys is around 3.5 kilograms, although between 2.5 kg and 4.5 kg is considered normal.

The average length of newborn babys is 50 centimeters, although the normal range is 45 cm to 60 centimeters.

The mother continues to narrate her experience after the cesarean section, in this regard she commented:

“Yes, I gave birth to a little boy who then spent 11 days in the NICU where, clearly, he was the biggest baby there. The NICU didn’t even have diapers or clothes for him. They had to go to the pediatrician and get size three diapers, when we brought him home we put him in clothes from size six to nine months”.

With only two videos on her account, the woman quickly went viral, one of them has more than 30 million views.

Finally, the mother added that her son is currently five years old, he is a healthy, stubborn and very strong child, he loves ƄeisƄol, soccer and Monster Trucks.

Undoubtedly, this mother takes the lead, it is possible that for a long time she will be the mother who brought the greatest baby to the world.

Share this story in your networks and let’s celebrate the gift of life together.

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