Mum Gives Birth To A Massive 5 Kilos Baby Who Wears Toddler Size Clothes

Mother who gave birth to an 11lb baby jokes that her son looked ‘ridiculous’ because newborn clothes were too small for him – and he’s already as big as a three-year-old ahead of his first birthday

Sarah Dines, 35, gave birth to her first child, Montague, who is now 11 months old and weighs 11lbs 8oz, making him the typical size of a newborn three months old.

He started wearing toddler clothes right away and is currently wearing clothes for youngsters aged two to three.

Teacher Sarah initially wanted a water birth at her home in Broadstone, Dorset, without pain relief, but eventually had to have a C-section, in part because of the size of her baby.

Sarah Dines said, “He was so big when he was born that he looked ridiculous. When the doctor pulled him out, everyone laughed, and at first I didn’t know why.”

“One of them said he was ready for school already, and the little towel they wrapped him in just didn’t fit,” Monty’s mom said. None of the clothes Sarah bought for Monty fit when he was born.

None of the clothes Sarah brought in for Monty fit when he was first born.

She said: ‘Even the little cap they gave him at the hospital was too small.

‘My sister had to run and buy me some nappies because none of the ones we had fit him either.

‘As he’s got older he’s gone up and up in sizes, he’s always been in bigger clothes than his age.

‘He’s a week off being one and he’s in stuff for a 2-3 year old.’

None of Sarah’s doctors can explain why Monty was born so big.

Sarah said, “After he was born, we were both tested for gestational diabetes many times, but he was never positive.”

“I am 180 cm tall and my husband Elliot, is 183 cm tall, so we will never have a small baby. None of us were particularly big when we were born. I think I’m just going to have big babies,” mom Sara said.

Sarah felt she had a big baby, but doctors predicted Monty would weigh 3 pounds. She said, “All the ultrasounds were normal, so I was ready to give birth at home.”

She then added, “At first I just wanted to have a birth in water and I thought it would be my own form of pain relief. Monty was 10 days late, so there was a point when the doctor was talking about a planned C-Section.

Sarah eventually had to go to the hospital for an emergency C-section. She said, “My water broke in the morning, I had a lot of labor that evening, but I didn’t open at all.”

“The pain became so severe that we eventually had to go to the hospital. We talked about the scheduled C-section because it was so late, and we even did all the paperwork because I didn’t want to be induced. That was useful in the end because we had to go for an emergency C-section, we filled out all the forms,” she concluded.

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