Pregnant Mum Says Baby Bump Is So Huge People Think She’s Carrying Eight Babies

A pregnant mum says her baby bump is so huge, people often think she’s carrying eight babies. Renae W., who is already a mother of four children, recently shared photos of her pregnant journey on TikTok, where the video has amassed more than five million views.

The mum, who’s at her 37th week of pregnancy, recently announced that even though she cannot wait to meet her ”rainbow baby”, she will definitely miss the big bump.

”Yes it’s just one. I’m sure,” she captioned the viral video, which has been liked by almost 170,000 people.

Despite people’s comments and what doctors have said, Renae insisted she doesn’t suffer from any medical conditions – polyhydramnios, extra fluid or gestational diabetes – that would explain the larger-than-normal bump.

After one medical professional reacted to one of her videos, claiming she should be worried, the mum-of-four said: ”As a doctor, you should be ashamed of yourself for this video, especially when I’m not your patient.

”Saying a belly shouldn’t be that big when me and my baby are healthy.”

The TikTok-famous mum also revealed that it is her short height that makes the bump appear bigger than it actually is.

Renae, who claims she only gained 35 pounds over the course of this pregnancy, added that her last boy came out at nine pounds and six ounces.

The viral video has left many in awe at the great size of the belly, with one writing: ”I swear you have like 4 twins in there.”

Another person was convinced: ”there’s a full grown adult in there.”

A couple of users also made jokes, like this person: ”Kid’s building a house in there.”

One supportive user commented: ”Every women carries differently.

”Every pregnancy is different. Every pregnancy is unique!”

Another added: ”I can’t believe he would even say that to you knowing absolutely nothing about your pregnancy.”

In other pregnancy news, a mother went viral after sharing a video of her odd baby bump while pregnant with triplets.

Plus, at seven months pregnant, a mother exhibited her tiny baby bulge, which was so small that some thought she was just bloated.

Meanwhile, another mum who’s constantly being trolled for her appearance during pregnancy has hit back, explaining that she feels better than ever and loves herself no matter what.

Her baby bump captured people’s attention as it grew “straight out” as opposed to “up and down”.

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