Unveiling Pure Joy: A Mother’s Emotional Rollercoaster When She Met Her Newborn Son

Dara Crouch made the decision to “do things the old-fashioned way” when getting ready to welcome the birth of her second child. The 29-year-old Columbus, Georgia mother wanted to keep the gender of her second kid a secret. Dara, her mother, was more than surprised to find that she had given birth to a boy.

Now, with modern machines, parents don’t need to know the sex of their child at birth. But when the fetus is 8 weeks old, through tests that also screen for malformations, or when the pregnancy is 12 weeks old, we can also know for sure. Not to mention the complex gender revelations that the Internet can’t do without.

Neely Ker-Fox, a family photographer, caught the labor and delivery nurse’s instantaneous response when her son was born. The images, which we first saw in a Yahoo Red Book story, have gained popularity since they were published on POPSUGAR in early June.

Dara decided to surprise her son’s gender because her favorite births – as a labor nurse – are those where parents don’t know if the baby will be a boy or a girl. Plus, she says that there hasn’t been a boy born in her family in 50 years. Dara already has a daughter and it is certain that she will have another. So when she met her son, she couldn’t contain her emotions.

Ker-Fox claimed that the room exploded in celebration when the midwife declared, “It’s a BOY.” Along with his 3-year-old sister Neyland, a boy called Liam weighing 7 pounds, 15 ounces was also born.

Dara Crouch declares that she loves the pictures. They think I’m insane, but I think they’re cool. We have a memory to look back on; we wouldn’t have seen it if a photographer hadn’t been present.

The family is delighted to welcome this unexpected little addition. We imagine that spending nine months thinking you’re having a baby girl, then being surprised with a baby boy must be truly amazing. No matter who you are, our family’s love for you will not change.

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