Birthing Wonders: Exploring the Magic and Power of Women Bringing Life into the World

There’s truly nothing more breathtaking than the way babies come into the world, and the photographers who capture these precious, empowering, and completely incredible moments are able to give us all a look into intimate birth scenes we would otherwise never have been privy to.

Every year, Birth Becomes Her, an international community of birth photographers founded by Monet Nicole and Jennifer Mason, hosts a birth photography contest in which these incredible photographers from all over the globe may enter their work to be judged in particular categories.

Even though they can’t all be winners, every single submission to the contest was absolutely stunning. So, witness the magic of life, the power, and the strength of these amazing women giving birth.

Every delivery is personal and sacred. And bringing a human into the world via C-section is every bit as awesome as giving birth any other way.

“This mom had 20 blissful minutes of snuggles and eye contact before the nurses took her baby to be diapered, weighed, and measured. Then the baby was immediately returned to mom so they could travel to the recovery room together.”

“This mama ended up with an emergency C-section, and neither the dad nor I were allowed into the OR. The baby was brought out to see his papa while she was under general anesthesia. It was the loveliest thing, and they cuddled and connected until mother awoke and had the opportunity to see her son. This family was the sweetest, and both parents were so strong.”

“Due to a unique set of circumstances, which included an extraordinarily large OR, this mom was able to have her partner, her mother and two birth photographers present with her during the birth and through recovery. She had such respect from each and every provider. It was a real testament to what family-centered cesareans can actually be like.”

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