Unexpected Heroism: Viral Sensation as 12-Year-Old Delivers Baby Brother, Sharing Raw Emotions with the World

Sibling love is a truly special thing. It’s a bond that connects for life. Jacee Dellapena, a 12-year-old Mississippi girl, took it a step further when she assisted her mother in the delivery of her brother.

During her mum Dede’s labor, Jacee decided she really wanted to see her lil brother being born, so asked if she could get closer to the, erm, business end of the situation.

“Jacee wanted to attend the childbirth, but we felt she was too young to attend. So this pregnancy her dad and I discussed it and decided it might be a good learning experience for her!” the mom, Dede, said.


Dede said that she would advise other parents to include their children in the birth process. “Parents should allow a youngster to see a baby’s birth if he or she has reached puberty and is of an appropriate age and maturity level to understand about the body and sex Ed.”

The daughter had been waiting for her little brother the entire time and was there to encourage and support Dede. “Watching Jacee’s expressions on her face was like no other. Concentrating on her face while I pushed helped me so much!” she said.

The beautiful and raw emotions of the little girl stole the hearts of many people who were fast to congratulate the parents on the new family member and praise Jacee for being strong and helping her mom. “Jacee is excited about her new adventures ahead!”

Dad Zack caught the whole experience on camera, and naturally, the emotive pics have had a huge reaction online.

Some commenters think this story is amazing, and that it really is a magical moment to have caught on camera.

Naturally, others have been quite concerned that it might have been too overwhelming (and unforgettable) an experience for someone so young, judging by Jacee’s reactions.

But mum Dede added: “Seeing the emotions on her face, it made me cry. I’m about to cry now! It was just a good moment.”

This story went viral really fast, but Dede does not feel that it changed anything. “It makes no difference.” We would still be living as a Christian family if it hadn’t [gone viral]!”

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