Heartwarming Story: Small Dog with Tumor Finds Happiness After Being Surrendered for Euthanasia.Thai

Unfortunately, owner surrender is fairly frequent at shelters nationwide. People return or abandon their dogs for many reasons, ranging from children’s allergies to financial difficulties to housing that will not allow pets to minor cruelty.

Despite this often occurring condition, the Dallas area rescue was amazed when a puppy named Hattie was surrendered. Hattie’s owners took her to a local shelter in 2018, and at that time, she had a large tumor developing on her left side.

Apparently, significant growth has been increasing over the past two years, and nothing has been done about it. Dallas doggerer-rescue.Rehab. The fix took Hattie into their care, intending to offer her a chance at a better life.

Risky but miraculous surgery

Obviously, the rescuers realized that they needed to remove this block. They took Hattie to Vet Ranch, an organization that provides veterinary care for abandoned animals.

The extra weight on her side damaged Hattie’s legs and her ability to walk. Dr. Carey from the vet farm had concerns about blood vessels and muscles on this side. However, Hattie retained the charming disposition. Before the surgery, Dr. Carey shared:

“It’s so terrible for me that she’s used to dealing with this simply.”

Incredibly, the veterinarians managed to remove the huge tumor, which eventually weighed 15 pounds. This is almost half of the dog’s body weight!

Hattie’s body had some adaptation to do,but the strong and happy-go-lucky dog made it! She even had an incubator waiting for her on the other side. Hattie was finally adopted later in December of 2018.

Farm vet has a video of her surgery and recovery if you have the stomach for it:

Tumor-free and happy

Without this”bean bag” for the tumor hanging from her, Hattie works more easily. She still has certain medical problems , but she lives a full and happy life with all the love and care she needs

Hattie’s adoptive posted on Facebook: “she lives in a house [with] with a yard, she has a huge fur sister. She has free rein at home and sleeps in a king-size bed every night. [Hattie] has some issues medically , but we go to the vet regularly to keep an eye on her.”

Once surrendered and seemed hopeless to some, Hattie is just a happy, healthy dog enjoying her senior years with the family. Of course, there is a veterinary science that deserves recognition, but to a greater extent the awards go to people who can see that it deserves the best.

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