Tartary Civilization, its location, inhabited by giants, they had advanced technology, including unlimited energy, why it was erased, destroyed in its entirety

Nestled in the vast expanse of Eurasia, the enigmatic civilization of Tartary once thrived, shrouded in mystery and awe. This ancient realm, often whispered about in legends and folklore, was said to be inhabited by giants, beings of incredible stature and strength. The Tartarians were not just physically imposing but also intellectually and technologically advanced, possessing innovations that modern science still strives to comprehend.

Location and Inhabitants
Tartary, as described in various historical texts and maps, stretched across regions that now encompass parts of Russia, Central Asia, and possibly extending into parts of Eastern Europe and Northern China. This expansive territory was home to the giants, a race of people whose height and prowess became the stuff of legend. These giants, with their towering presence, were not only physically formidable but also pivotal in shaping the civilization’s culture and advancements.

Advanced Technology and Unlimited Energy
What set Tartary apart from other ancient civilizations was its unparalleled technological prowess. The Tartarians are believed to have harnessed advanced forms of technology, including a source of unlimited energy. This energy, described in some accounts as a form of free energy, powered their cities, machinery, and daily life. The civilization’s architecture, transportation systems, and communication networks were far ahead of their time, featuring innovations that seem almost magical to contemporary observers.

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Their energy technology was eco-friendly and inexhaustible, hinting at a deep understanding of the natural forces and perhaps even the manipulation of electromagnetic fields. Tartarian cities were illuminated with radiant lights, machinery operated without pollution, and their transportation systems were swift and efficient, possibly utilizing anti-gravity principles.

The Erasure of Tartary
Despite its grandeur and technological marvels, Tartary vanished from historical records, almost as if erased from existence. The reasons behind this disappearance remain one of history’s greatest mysteries. Several theories attempt to explain this enigmatic erasure:

Natural Catastrophes: Some speculate that a series of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, or meteor strikes, could have devastated the civilization, leading to its sudden collapse.

Mystical Archeology - Tartary Civilization, its location, inhabited by  giants, they had advanced technology, including unlimited energy, why it  was erased, destroyed in its entirety. (Details in comments👇)  #AlienEncounters #AncientMysteries | Facebook

War and Conquest: Others suggest that Tartary might have been destroyed by rival civilizations. Advanced though they were, the Tartarians could have faced overwhelming invasions by envious neighbors or external forces seeking to plunder their resources and technology.

Internal Strife: Internal conflict and political instability could have also played a role. A civilization as advanced as Tartary might have faced power struggles or ideological splits that led to its downfall.

Deliberate Erasure: A more controversial theory posits that Tartary was deliberately erased from history. This theory suggests a possible suppression of knowledge by subsequent powers who wished to control the narrative of human progress and history, ensuring that the advanced technology and knowledge of Tartary remained hidden.

The civilization of Tartary, with its giants and advanced technology, continues to fascinate and perplex historians and enthusiasts alike. While the true reasons behind its disappearance may never be fully uncovered, the legacy of Tartary endures through the tantalizing glimpses provided by ancient texts, maps, and legends. It serves as a reminder of the potential heights humanity can achieve and the mysteries that still lie hidden in the annals of history.

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