Mother Dog Abandoned by Owner, both Legs Crushed by Train, but Still Tries to Care for 4 Small Pups.Thai

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It is impossible not to cry when we see the tragic situation of abandoned stray dogs. However, not all mother dogs are as brave, tough and protective of their children as SiBao.

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After being “mercilessly abandoned” by her owner, this dog was involved in a tragic accident in which her hind legs were crushed by a train. Si Bao’s life seemed gloomy until she gave birth to four very beautiful and healthy puppies, which practically became the driving force of this miserable mother dog’s existence.

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After regaining the pleasure of living in life after having children, SiBao regained her spirit and always kept a resilient and strong attitude to take care of her children. Si Bao walked on two front legs, keeping a watchful eye on the children.

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Si Bao’s luck continued to smile when Animals Asia, a non-profit organization founded by Jill Robinson, saved her family and made this heroic mother an animal ambassador. As a result, Si Bao was transferred to the organization’s headquarters, where he could start a new life with his child rather than struggle to earn a living from the leftover food that travelers throw on the train tracks. His only survivor is Muddie.

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In addition, Si Bao has been renamed Lelly, and she plans to install prostheses on wheels to allow her to move more freely. Three of Lelly’s four puppies died of a high fever when the organization found them, leaving only Muddie.

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Lelly is currently leading the good life as an ”Asia animal” ambassador for animals.

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Even if she is only a small dog, Lelly illustrates an unbreakable character that does not give in to difficulties.

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