Dog Freezing At Bus Shelter Rescued By Quick-Acting Transit Workers.Thai

A dog discovered hunched over in a bus shelter and shivering from the cold is alive and well, thanks to transport workers who quickly responded to his rescue.

A bus passenger discovered the missing dog at a bus stop in the city of Regina, Saskatchewan, which witnessed record cold temperatures this week.

Darren Szabo, the Canadian city’s transportation official, rushed to the bus station to try to keep the dog warm until the Regina Humane Society (RHS) arrived.

He told Global News he was afraid the dog would get frostbite. It was difficult. I realized that with the extreme temperatures, a few minutes could be the difference between him losing the tips of his ears or his palms.

The dog was frightened and growled at Szabo when he initially approached, but calmed down once Szabo covered him with his wool jacket and realized he was there to help.

“He was as scared as he was cold,” Szabo said. “If I get cold, I can just put on another jacket. This sad dog didn’t have that opportunity.”

The Regina Humane Society arrived within minutes, and once the dog was examined, he was quickly reunited with his family, who had contacted them earlier to report him missing.

“It was unusual for a dog to be missing, so they quickly noticed it was gone and contacted us,” RHS operations manager Lindsay West said of the dog’s owners.

Fortunately, the dog made a full recovery and showed no signs of illness from the cold.

Regina offers a safe bus program for travelers exposed to extreme cold. If they stop the bus, you will stop to help.

“It is important that we reach out and help each other; Whether it’s a small animal in need or a human being in need. Szabo went on to say that Regina Transit posted a photo of the dog and emphasized the message. “We’ve pointed out that ‘everyone’ should be safe from the harsh elements of this cold wave, including our pets as well…” “Everyone, stay safe and warm out there.”

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