The baby was born with birthmarks on the Batman mask and was called a “little superhero”.

Andrew Jackson, 34, and his wife Lacey, 35, were “filled with panic” when little Natalie came out of the womb on January 9, 2018, with a distinctive blotch that made her look like the superhero Batman.

Natalie Jackson’s parents acknowledged being “filled with panic” when she was born three years ago. Despite physicians’ assurances that the small infant was perfectly healthy, she was born with a black birthmark on her face that is likely to spread as the baby grows. Mrs. Jackson said: “Hearing her first cry was so special. Then the nurse lifted our girl up, after my C-section, and I saw the big black mark on the left-hand side of her face.

“She was so beautiful, but it looked like a bruise and I was worried in case it was something I had done to her during my pregnancy.”

As the mother cuddled her newborn son, who weighed 7lb 1oz at birth, she began to be concerned about what others would think of the black mask-like mark, which doctors told her and her husband would continue to develop. “At that moment, I decided we would love her so much and give her all the confidence in the world, to make sure she could see how beautiful she is – and how she can achieve anything she wants.”

Her parents‘ love for the uniquely beautiful baby soon conquered the fear and little Natalie was actually dubbed a “little superhero” since her birthmark resembles a Batman and Robin-style domino mask.

The kid was sent to visit an ophthalmologist (eye disease diagnostician) when she was a week old to examine if the birthmark was creating any visual problems. She had a few more crucial meetings as well.

This happy baby’s whole family, including her two brothers, ages 7 and 4, couldn’t be more delighted with the beautiful “superhero” baby and are prepared to stand behind her back no matter what. “We’ll always tell her it’s a part of who she is and who she is supposed to be. People will always know how special she is with her birthmark and how amazing she is inside and out.”

Strangers cast weird stares at the kid on the street, but Natalie’s parents seem unconcerned. They think “it’s good to be different” and want her to embrace her birthmark in the hope she will become a stronger person because of it. Although Natalie‘s parents know that she might be facing some difficulties in the future, they agreed not to have the birthmark removed and embrace her unique and different looks. “Her mark means she is going to be strong no matter what life throws at her,” says Lacey. “People tell us how amazing her birthmark is and what a cute baby she is, and we couldn’t agree more.”

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