10 Stυппiпg Photos That Show How Differeпt Postpartυm Bodies Caп Look

Becoming a mom alters you physically and mentally. Your clothes size, breast shape, hip width, and even your shoe size could change after having a baby. These alterations are proof of the effort your body has put in. Remember that as you get used to your new life with the baby, your thoughts and emotions are also changing, so be sure to give yourself the support you require. Women post pictures of their postpartum bodies on Instagram every day. These photographs are stunning because they honor the accomplishment of pregnancy and new motherhood, regardless of whether they include stretch marks, sagging skin, or C-section scars.

Even though I don’t have a baby to care for, I am still exhausted. My husband has been a godsend throughout this whole process and I am so incredibly grateful for him, his sacrifices, and for taking off this week to help me. My main complaint is a sore belly from all the massaging, sore vagina from the stitches, and really heavy sore boobs. I am pumping for my little surrodude. It is best for his health, my health, my mental health, and my recovery. However, it is like having another job pumping every 3 hours, washing all the parts, and correctly storing the milk. So shout out to all the exclusive pumpers out there! I will most likely cut down to every 4 hours once my milk is established because I’m normally an over producer

Am I ever going to be on the cover of a fitness magazine? Probably not. Do I think more people with stretch marks and “real postpartum” bods should be better represented on magazines and in society? Heck yes! Can we still have that magazine cover photo confidence and a “mom bod”? YES!!! .No matter what shape, size, color, figure, or whatever we are, we let’s feel comfortable in our own skin, love who we are for what we are right now, not what we wish we could be! .

My body went through a lot of changes with my last pregnancy; changes to accommodate the life that was growing inside of me. I’m learning to love and accept these changes. These new lines and sagging skin are reminders of what my body is capable of.This body has been alive for 30 years. This body has carried three children and birthed two living.

2 Months Postpartum​​​​​​​​. I’ve been asked before why I share these kind of photos. Why would I share this body? it’s embarrassing, gross, too personal, my own fault, no one wants to see that!​​​​​​​​ And maybe some of those things are true  but here’s the thing.​​​​​​​​

It’s been almost a year since you birthed our sweet babygirl. The feelings that come to mind are pride and admiration…Healing, recovering and growing stronger everyday. The foot prints pregnancy and childbirth have left on this body are still there.

It’s where your firm round belly was once kicking with life, now left deflated and soft. ​​​​​​​​ It’s in your stretch marks that allowed your skin to grow so they could thrive day after day. ​​​​​​​​ It’s in your engorged and leaky breasts that weigh you down and cause aches and pains. ​​​​​​​​ It’s in your scars and tears were your baby was pulled or pushed from the only home they’d ever known. ​​​​​​​​

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