Αfter Teп Years of Waitiпg, The Mother of Triplets Fiпally Gave Birth to Qυadrυplets

Kayla Glines has multiple reasons to be happy as the world’s first triplet to give birth to quads. Kayla, 32, gave birth to four children against all odds: Reese, Jameson, Oaklee, and Lincoln.

A cracking picture shows the tots snuggled up together… not unlike an old family album snap of Kayla as a baby alongside her triplet brother and sister.

Her incredible journey spans over a decade of hope, patience, anguish, and eventually overwhelming joy as her dream of starting a family with her husband Allen became a reality.

She fell pregnant with triplets after fertility treatment. Two of the tots survived but one died in the womb.

So when she conceived again – this time naturally – Kayla was staggered to discover she was due to have four more children.

She said: “We just couldn’t believe it when I went for a scan and the doctor told me that I was pregnant with quads.

“We’d been trying for years to get pregnant naturally, so finding out I’d be having four babies was incredible, especially because I’m a triplet myself.”

“We were very nervous as we knew how risky a quad pregnancy can “be, but luckily all the babies were born safely.”

Kayla and social worker Allen, who live in Salt Lake City, Utah, had already adopted her brother’s two daughters, now eight and six, before they started fertility treatment in 2016.

Two of the triplets were born safely in August 2017 and the quads arrived in March, 2019. So the couple now have six children under the age of two – and eight in total.

Kayla added: “Sometimes Allen and I can’t believe what has happened to us. We spent 10 years trying for a family and now we have a massive family of eight children and us!”

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