Ten heartbreaking, heartbreaking photos that illustrate the amazing reality of childbirth.

Is there anything more stunning or powerful than a mother giving birth? This once-in-a-lifetime rite of passage simultaneously gives birth to a new child and a new mother. The chance to witness such beauty and power via the sharing of birth images increases appreciation for birth and bodies, and we are thrilled to be able to share the finest of the best with you.



Having a baby during a is no minor task. We hope that via her photographs, women will see that all births are beautiful and appreciate how empowering having a child can be.

This extraordinary mother had a wonderful VBAC at UCH.



Beautiful home birth for these first-time parents in the heart of Denver, with Peace, Love & Shari.

Welcoming their fourth baby at Rose Hospital.

A lovely afternoon ᴅᴇʟɪᴠᴇʀʏ at home. She gave birth to her third child…and her first son. Attended by Gina Gerboth of Metro Midwifery!

@thelabormama showing off her sweet baby boy to big sisters at home!


We weren’t able to go to the hospital with these parents but were still able to document their labor at home. The photo was taken by my associate, Rebecca.


A powerful ʀᴀɪɴʙᴏᴡ birth at Colorado Birth and Wellness

This family’s third child…and first girl…was born in a beautiful, tʀᴀɴǫuɪʟ home birth. Rebecca, one of my colleagues, took the snapshot.

This new dad holding his son for the very first time at Colorado Birth and Wellness.

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