CIA Pilot John Lear Reveals Shocking Truths About NASA’s Missions to the Moon and Mars

Former CIA pilot, John Lear, made some astounding revelations, including secret Moon trips that have been ongoing since 1962, covert missions to Mars, and NASA’s use of extraterrestrial technology.

John Lear, who passed away in 2022, was a highly accomplished pilot with an impressive record of flying more than 150 test planes and setting 18 World Speed Records.

As the son of the inventor of the Lear Jet, he was deeply involved in the aviation industry and worked for 28 different aviation companies. Lear was also recognized by the Federal Aviation Administration for his outstanding contributions, earning multiple distinctions in airplane transport rating, flight instruction, ground instruction, flight navigation, engineering, aircraft dispatch, airframe power plant mechanics, parachute rigging, and tower operation.

During the 1980s and 1990s, Lear began to share information that was considered confidential, revealing startling details in interviews, including an appearance on the radio program Coast to Coast. Lear shared that in 1953, an alien ship had crashed, and the US government had captured an extraterrestrial being, named EBE 3 – Joe Road (confirmed by Dan Burisch), who provided technology to build spaceships.

Lear also claimed that in 1962, the US had developed vehicles that could not go faster than the speed of light, but could reach the moon in an hour and make regular trips to Mars. According to Lear, the Mercury, Apollo, and other space missions were decoys to distract the public from the real work of building various structures on the moon. Lear claimed that the US had already explored most of the planets in our solar system and found life similar to ours on some of them.

In the 1970s, Lear alleged that NASA had erased photos taken by Apollo 8, 10, and 11 that showed evidence of a city, a space base, tubes, roads, vegetation, air, an atmosphere, gravity 66% relative to Earth, mining operations, and a nuclear reactor on the moon. Lear believed that collaboration with extraterrestrial beings was necessary to build many of these structure.

Lear’s father was also involved in antigravity technology programs in the mid-1950s, which remain a secret today. According to a source within the US government, Lear had made three significant claims, including that humans had been going to the moon since 1962, the population of Mars was around 600 million and was similar to ours, and Lear had worked with mining equipment that was so large that it had to be flown over by plane to be fully appreciated.

Despite the sensational nature of Lear’s claims, many prominent military and space experts, including Colonel Phil Corso, David Wilcock, Glen Steckling, Henry Deacon, and Gilbert Levin, have confirmed or corroborated some of his statements. It remains a mystery why such individuals would disclose information that is often hidden by the mainstream media.

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