They’d never seen such a hairy newborn before — she was quite an attraction!

Doting mum Phillipa Rabbitts, 27, says daughter Bella has been likened to Boo from Monsters Inc and has often strangers wondering if she’s wearing a ᴡɪɢ.

The little girl was a showstopper from the moment of her birth. “I had a caesarean when Bella was born, and the first thing the surgeon said was, ‘She’s got a lot of hair. All the midwives came to have a look at her afterwards, they’d never seen such a hairy newborn before — she was quite an attraction!”‘” her mother, Phillipa Rabbitts said

Bella’s incredible hair is only intensified by her size — at eight months, she weighs just 11 pounds. Bella was tests to figure out why she won’t grow. She’s always been so tiny, and we joke that the only thing that grows is her hair!” said Phillips. Beyond her growth issues, which requires her to be fed through a tube, Bella is perfectly healthy.

Doting mum Phillipa Rabbitts, 27, told how she can’t take her daughter out without being stopped by hordes of people asking if her hair is real.

People genuinely think she’s a doll when they see her. I always get asked if she’s wearing a ᴡɪɢ, and if her bunches are stuck on. No matter where we go we get stopped at least five times because of her hair – everyone’s first reaction is just like, ‘Oh my God, is that real? With her bunches, people say she looks just like Boo from Monsters Inc – it’s a little nickname for her now.”

Philippa said she thinks cute Bella has inherited her brunette locks and dad Matthew Cole’s thick hair.

She added: “Matt has really think ginger hair that goes curly when it’s wet, and I’m very dark – so I think she gets her hair from both of us. Her hair is either really curly or a big wild mane when it’s first washed, so to tame it we have to keep it tied back – otherwise it just goes all over the place. It really needs a cut – the longest bit now is down to her shoulders – but I’m reluctant to cut it. I want it to grow and grow, and get as long as possible. I want her to be like a real-life Rapunzel when she’s older!”

She absolutely loves having it washed and brushed, I give her a little head massage too and she loves it.  We have to tie it up because it gets in her eyes, but it doesn’t faze her. It takes a while to brush and style. I spend longer on her hair than I do on my own – it takes twice as long. But she’s pretty chilled out.

Everyone’s always touching it so she’s used to it being played with. At night we’ll see her brushing it out of her face, and when it’s down she flicks it out of her eyes like a little diva.The only thing she’s not keen on his a hairdryer, so for now I tend to towel try it – it’s so thick so it takes a long time to dry, so I’m trying to get her used to it!

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