A woman who believed she would never be able to have children but ended up being a mother of 10 children

ᴍᴀny women aspire to be mothers, but one lady who believed she would never be able to have children almost ʟᴏsᴛ her goal. Satu Nordling Gonzalez, a Swedish wOᴍᴀn who spent the last 14 years of her life Pʀᴇɢnᴀnᴛ, is now a proud mother of ten children.

Since Satu’s uterus was severely scarred, getting Pʀᴇɢnᴀnᴛ again proved challenging. Satu’s ovulation completely ended as a result of stress, and she concluded that “I would never become what I believed I was created to be, a mother.” But after believing it would be impossible, she unexpectedly became Pʀᴇɢnᴀnᴛ again two and a half years later, and their first child, Nicole, was born in 2008.

Satu and Andres, who both work in construction, now have six girls and four boys in addition to their youngest Benjamin, who was born just seven months ago. The other children they have include Nicole, 13, Vanessa, 12, ᴛᴡɪnꜱ Jonathan and Danilo, 11, Olivia, 8, Kevin, 7, Celina, 6, Isabelle, 3, and Melania, 1.

The busy mother starts her day at 6:30 a.m. by cooking food for her large family, changing diapers, and getting her older children ready for school.

Motherhood requires a lot of work and commitment. Sometimes I’m so exhausted that I wake up without even having breakfast. The kids’ smiles and love, however, are the best rewards for my parenting. According to ʙᴀʙʏ News, Satu Nordling Gonzalez goes to bed at about midnight and only has time to herself with her husband after all the children have gone to bed at 8 o’clock.

Motherhood requires a lot of work and sacrifice. Sometimes I’m so exhausted that I wake up without even having breakfast. The children’s smiles and love, however, are the biggest rewards for my parenting, according to Satu. After pregnancy, my body has always recovered fast.

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