Abandoned dog with only two legs survived but no one helped him

The video shows a heartbreaking image of a dog begging for food by the road with its hind legs amputated, which has caught the attention of many. Several people question what led this dog to be so brave.

In the video, a hungry dog ​​in Thailand begged for food by the road before being helped and fed. The dog was thin and bony, with both hind legs amputated, his entire body was devoid of skin as if he had gone through a fire that made the onlookers feel sorry.

The dog seemed to have been fasting for a long time, so the food looked delicious. His sad eyes looking at the camera made viewers feel desolate. Although he had lost his hind legs, the dog still stood on the other two legs.

The video has received hundreds of comments and shares. Most of them express their condolences and pray for luck to come to this poor dog.

“I can’t hold back my tears when I see it, I don’t know where my owner is, then I have to beg for food on the road like this,” VA said on Facebook.

“Please do something to rescue this dog; If he is in Vietnam, I will take him home to take care of him.” “May God bless you with many wonderful things,” commented TL, a friend.

It is not yet known if this is a stray dog ​​and there have been numerous pleas for help for this poor dog. Hopefully, in the near future, the dog will be cared for and cared for in the best possible conditions.

Regardless of the situation dogs find themselves in, illness, physical deformities or anything else, they will always love life as they love their own owners. Disabled dogs often sit sad, which is extremely touching. It makes us, its owners, feel happy, always maintaining a pleasant atmosphere when we are around them.

No matter how dangerous it is, even if faced with opponents much larger than itself, the dog will fight and protect its owner until the end. There have been cases where dogs rescued their owners from burning houses, or fought off bears and tigers to save their owners. This is a very important characteristic, it shows that dogs are not only pets, but also guardians for their owners.

Of course, dogs are the most docile creatures, they never complain when we make them do the same action over and over again, or assume unpleasant positions, they even feel joy when learning new things. That’s the new thing they like to learn!


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