An elephant never forgets to have fun! Baby elephants pictured splashing around together at Chester Zoo

Keeping cool when the temperature starts to rise is not always easy.
But these baby elephants knew exactly how to cool off as they they splashed around together at Chester Zoo.
Little Bala and Hari, who are both two-years-old, enjoyed a water-spray and a bath with each other during one of the hottest July’s on record.
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Cool down: Bala and Hari, both two-years-old, made sure they kept cool in the heat at Chester Zoo last week
Cool down: Bala and Hari, both two-years-old, made sure they kept cool in the heat at Chester Zoo last week
Splashing around: They were filmed as they got a cool bath and water spray at the park in Upton by Chester
Splashing around: They were filmed as they got a cool bath and water spray at the park in Upton by Chester
The pair were filmed as they slipped over and played with each other in the cool water as the mercury reached 24C (75F) last week.
Bala even falls to his side whilst running his head under the waterfall before diving under and hitting the floor.
Will Condliffe, who works at the zoo, said: ‘Over time we’ve built a fantastic relationship with the elephants here.
‘We always delight in watching newcomers develop from mischievous teenagers into mighty adults.
‘It’s great to see Bala and Hari grow up – particularly seeing them having so much fun in the process.
‘It won’t be long now before they grow up to be big strong adults.’
Bala is the youngest elephant at Chester Zoo and was born in January 2013 to mother Sithami, while Hari was born just a few months earlier in November 2012 to mother Sundara.
 Mischievous: Bala even falls to his side whilst running his head under the waterfall before diving under and hitting the floor
Mischievous: Bala even falls to his side whilst running his head under the waterfall before diving under and hitting the floor
Hot: Temperatures reached 24C (75F) at the zoo last week where the elephants rolled about in the cold stream
Hot: Temperatures reached 24C (75F) at the zoo last week where the elephants rolled about in the cold stream
Hot: Temperatures reached 24C (75F) at the zoo last week where the elephants rolled about in the cold stream
Staff at the zoo expressed how much they enjoy watching the pair grow up and 'having fun in the process'
Staff at the zoo expressed how much they enjoy watching the pair grow up and 'having fun in the process'
Staff at the zoo expressed how much they enjoy watching the pair grow up and ‘having fun in the process’
Relaxing: The baby animals were enjoying it so much they kept slipping over as they tried to keep cool
Relaxing: The baby animals were enjoying it so much they kept slipping over as they tried to keep cool

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