“Beyond The Story: 10-Year Record of BTS” – The first official book by BTS set to be released

The latest exciting announcement from BTS for all bookworm ARMYs.

On July 9th, the first official book by BTS will be released in both South Korea and the US.


According to The New York Times, US publisher Flatiron Books has recently confirmed the announcement of the book.

The book – “Beyond The Story: 10-Year Record of BTS” – will be written by journalist Myeongseok Kang and the group’s members and will be published by Big Hit Music in South Korea. With the release date of the book set for July 9th (originally June 13th), ARMYs know that these days hold significant meaning for BTS.

Specifically, July 9th is the fandom’s name day and June 13th is BTS’ official debut day.

The book will be available in both Korean and English and will have many interesting additional features.


The English translation of the book will be handled by Anton Hur, with the collaboration of Clare Richards and Slin Jung.

According to Flatiron, the US edition will be 544 pages thick and will contain exclusive photos, and there will be 1 million first-print copies. BTS’ highly versatile and widely popular online fan base has become renowned worldwide for supporting the group by buying multiple versions of each physical release and running complex coordinated social media campaigns.

Fans also support each other by translating BTS’ content into English and other languages, while providing a strong fan community.

It’s hard to exaggerate BTS’ influence, in music and beyond. Last year, the group’s 7 members – RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, V, and Jungkook – visited the White House to give a speech against anti-Asian hate.

The group’s hiatus is sad news not only for BTS’ fervent fanbase but also for the entertainment industry.

Many fans say that while they are drawn to BTS’ music and performances, they are also inspired by messages of love and acceptance, which has made some people more positive.

“They’re really, truly passionate and just fighting for what they love” – Nicole Santero, a fan operator.

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