boundless love: a father raising a child without arms and legs alone

The Mısaytıf family, enduring the hardships of living in a relative’s tent within the refugee camps of Idlib, where civilians sought shelter from the аttасkѕ by the Assad regime in Syria, deѕрeгаteɩу awaits assistance for their 14-month-old child, Muhammed, who was born without limbs. 

Baby Muhammed, who cannot play with his peers because he is born with no legs and arms, spends most of the day with his cat. 

Halit Mısaytıf, the father of little Muhammed, said in a ѕtаtement that his son was born without arms and legs. 

Mısaytıf said, “Muhammad needs constant attention and care. It should always be on the lap. I live here in the camp. We cannot protect it from the heat and cold in the summer.”

“It was difficult for me to find milk for my children,” said Mısaytıf, who has difficulty walking after injuring her leg in attacks by the Assad regime. “I couldn’t find a job. I am having trouble finding milk for my baby. Medicines are more expensive than before. I hope Mohammed continues to live like all other children.” he say.

Emphasizing that Muhammad cannot meet his daily needs without support because he has no arms or legs, Mısaytıf said, “We barely get his milk, medicine and diapers. I hope he will go abroad in the future. The prosthesis is attached. All I want is for him to live like other children. I hope I can give Mohammed a happy life.” he say.


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