Clear Photo shows V in Identical Outfit to the Man in the alleged Videos with BLACKPINK’s Jennie

The latest buzz in the online communities and social media platforms is surrounding videos allegedly capturing a moment between BTS’s V and BLACKPINK’s Jennie.


The footage shows two people holding hands while strolling along the picturesque River Seine in Paris. The latest videos ignited discussions on the web as there were fans supporting the two global idols’ relationship, but there were a handful of fans denying that it was V and Jennie in the videos despite all the evidence.

In a bid to acquire additional information regarding the speculated relationship, certain fans initiated a video chat with photographer Amar Taoualit, the individual who initially shared the videos. The photographer confirmed that the two individuals in his video were Jennie and V. Nevertheless, many netizens and fans raised suspicions that the photographer was lying.

Following the latest buzz, Amar Taoualit‘s photographer friend, Ali Letaissa, has added fuel to the fire by posting a clear photo of BTS’s V wearing the same outfit as seen in alleged videos with BLACKPINK’s Jennie in Paris. A member of V’s management team can also be seen behind V. The photo has sparked numerous reactions from fans and has generated significant buzz on social media platforms.

Additionally, another photo was uploaded online, allegedly showing Jennie wearing the same outfit seen in the video next by a member of her management team, known as “@hhuit” on Instagram.

As the alleged videos and photos continue to generate buzz, whether the artists or their agencies will address the rumors remains to be seen. Until then, fans and K-netizens alike will continue to speculate about the relationship between BTS’s V and BLACKPINK’s Jennie.


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