Embracing Nature: A Look into Nine Unforgettable Home Birth Experiences

Monet Nicole photographs poignant scenes during home births. A midwife is present for home deliveries, and it is essential that both the birth and the pregnancy be deemed low-risk. The fact that it is carried out in a familiar setting and the new mother can choose who she wants by her side, from her partner to older children, parents, and other family members in general, is one of the reasons it is highly popular internationally.

Monet Nicole is an expert birth photographer and midwife. She has a wealth of knowledge and has witnessed more than 800 births. She is of the opinion that giving birth transforms every woman who experiences it, and she shoots this kind of photography professionally because of her own deliveries.

An outstanding collection of maternity images may be seen on Monet’s Instagram account. The uniqueness of each moment is what unites the pictures the photographer takes of births on the lake, in the maternity ward, and at home. Her photographs capture feelings and occasions that parents will cherish forever. Her photographs also stand out because they perfectly capture the natural beauty of childbirth. They draw attention to the charm of the occasion rather than beautifying the setting.

The photographer often shares her experiences and thoughts through her posts. Recently, she shared photos of her giving birth at home and wrote on Instagram:

Correct. It is possible to give birth safely at home, surrounded by loved ones, after a cesarean section.

Through her posts, the photographer frequently shares her thoughts and experiences. She recently posted pictures of herself giving birth at home on Instagram with the caption:

Correct. After a cesarean section, it is feasible to give birth without incident at home in the company of loved ones.

Usually, these births are successful, happy, and of salvific value. In some cases, they have to happen, just like a cesarean has to happen again. However, families have the choice to give birth where they feel safe and understood.

The mother’s first child was delivered through cesarean section, so this was her first naturally occurring delivery. The midwife places the newborn on the mother’s chest shortly after birth. First embrace from the first images of the baby in the mother’s arms

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