Emotional Finale: John Cena’s Epic Symphony Resonates with Powerful Family Prioritization

John Cena turned up in the now legendary main event of WrestleMania 40 on Sunday night, but he decided to stay for one more night in Philadelphia.

The 16-time world champion spends more time in Hollywood than in the ring now, but he made one last pit stop at the RAW after WrestleMania before heading back to the silver screen.

Old rivals R-Truth and The Miz found themselves in a handicap match with the Judgement Day’s Finn Balor, Dominik Mysterio and JD McDonagh after Truth teased their partner was someone ‘you can’t see.’

Wink, wink. Cena’s famous catchphrase is ‘you can’t see me’ and Truth has said for years how his hero growing up was John Cena… despite being six years older than him.

With the brand new RAW tag team champions taking a beating, Cena’s music hit, he ran down to the ring and he got the hot tag to send the Wells Fargo Center wild.

Cena instantly turned the tide. All three men ended up in the ring doing Cena’s five knuckle shuffle before doing stereo Attitude Adjustments. All three of Miz, Cena and Truth pinned members of the Judgement Day at the same time to grab the win.

Speaking earlier in the day on the Pat MacAfee show, Cena insisted he is trying to have one final run in the ring next year.

‘I have to leave for Europe to finish a movie that we started filming before the strike called Heads of State with Priyanka Chopra and Idris Elba, straight from that to [filming] Peacemaker 2.

‘That will take us to just about Christmas. I’m crossing my fingers and toes and my heart that maybe, just maybe, I can tell the Hollywood world to pump the breaks for a while and come back to my family for one last run.

‘I’m trying, I hope [so], we’ll see what happens,’ said Cena.

With his outing on RAW, Cena has now had a WWE match every single year since 2002.

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