J-Hope Shares Military Enlistment Schedule and Plans Before Saying Goodbye to ARMYs

Today, j-hope appeared on Weverse Live for a short time to confide in ARMYs. Seeing j-hope again after he’s been busy with promotions for his new song makes ARMYs excited but it’s also scary to think that this is the last live broadcast before he enlisted.

But fortunately, j-hope immediately confirmed to ARMYs that this won’t be the last live broadcast. He even mentioned his enlistment date and also expressed his feelings about his enlistment.

Here are j-hope’s thoughts on his enlistment:

Today, j-ope took first place on ‘M Countdown’ for his new track “On The Street”. At the same time, this is also his second 1st place achievement for two consecutive weeks. Therefore, j-hope appeared on Weverse Live to directly express his gratitude to his fans.

He was very happy when he saw the congratulations from the fans. Then, j-hope also expressed his heart for what ARMYs did for him and listened to “On The Street”. j-hope said that: “I came for a little bit.. on hearing the good news” and “It’s (j-hope winning #1 twice) really because of you guys.. I want to give you my greetings of thanks”.

j-hope then talked about his life these days as he wraps up his busy promotion schedule. Like a few other members of the group, j-hope has spent this time enjoying his life without too many thoughts and worries.

He then cautiously mentioned his enlistment. Of course, j-hope also brought up the fact that after he finished promoting “On The Street” he was also preparing for his m̴i̴l̴i̴t̴a̴r̴y̴ service and ARMYs should know about this too.

He slowly mentioned it but didn’t forget to rea̾s̾sure ARMYs that he won’t be leaving anytime soon. j-hope said, “I came to give you my greetings of thanks and let you know a little bit that my official schedules are almost over…There’s so much I’ve recorded/filmed. I can’t tell you in too much detail but the date (to enlist) is out but I wonder isn’t it the stage where I need to start getting ready eventually.”

Besides, j-hope also let us know that he will do soмєтнing for ARMYs before he has to enlist. It includes “bald j-hope” and “hug ARMYs”. He mentioned: “”Will we see bald j-hope?” I guess you’ll see bald j-hope when I go” and “Hug ARMY before you go to the army (m̴i̴l̴i̴t̴a̴r̴y̴)” I’ll do that, I’ll hug ARMY before I go to army”,…

Although he was mentally prepared for his enlistment, it seems that he also has a lot of worries since this is his first time doing this. j-hope expressed his goal in taking care of himself during his enlistment.

He confessed, “Since my stamina is so low, I wonder if I should take care of myself before enlisting. Now I’m 30, once I come back from the m̴i̴l̴i̴t̴a̴r̴y̴, I’ll be over 30.. In general, my goal is to be healthy…I’ve felt that more than anything, it’s important to be healthy…If I’m healthy, I’ll be able to show you many/various things”

Meanwhile, at the end of last month, j-hope completed the application to cancel the enlistment postponement and started the process of performing m̴i̴l̴i̴t̴a̴r̴y̴ service. Talking about his sudden decision to enlist, j-hope ever expressed, “I think I’ve been thinking about this since last year. After Jin-hyung went in, I wondered when I should do it too. When thinking about it, I decided that the sooner I go in, the sooner I can return and show you soмєтнing good.”

Recently, Jin – the oldest member of the BTS music group officially bid farewell to fans to prepare for mandatory military service. And shortly after, the public is predicting that J-Hope will be the next member of BTS to enter the military in the near future. We hope that both members will have good training time and return to ARMYs, BTS fans worldwide soon.

I Purple U


For ARMYs, j-hope’s enlistment is inevitable. Therefore, they support his decision to enlist and always hope that he will return healthy:

– Oh god don’t let it be the last

– Hope u stay healthy & happy always hobi

– My hardworking baby :(((

– I can’t wait to see all that he created for us but the idea we will be without him, hearing his voice is my everything

– we wish you to be healthy not only today but everyday. we’ll see each other in your future concerts right? we’ll be waiting. we are just here

– We’ll wait for u bbe take care of yourself

– Hello bigh̾i̾t ̾ music is coming for us again

– the view from the rooftop looks pretty rn.


– im gonna close my eyes and pretend i didnt see that

– My world is going to be be dark soon…. My sunshine will eclipse with my moon soon

– I’m not ready to receive that “Hello. This is Bigh̾i̾t ̾ Music” announcement again. I don’t even think I’ll ever be ready

– Yes health is very imp., eat well n stay healthy and comeback to us soon

– yes baby you health is the top most priority, take care my love

– Well internationally YOU’RE STILL 29 so…… I’M CONSIDERING YOU 29. And when you come back being over 30. The love is gonna grow the more you grow old no matter what.

– stay healthy always hobi. We will wait for you

– Stay healthy & safe there when you go soon. I love you so much Hobi

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