Jungkook Mentions His Upcoming Military Enlistment During Livestream

 Jungkook spoke about his military obligations during his most recent livestream.

BTS' Jungkook leaving social media is the new concern of the ARMY amid military service enlistment rumors
Jungkook | pinterest

On May 25, the actor held a livestream. On this day, a fan commented, “The military loves you,” to which the idol responded, “It’s true.”

Jungkook | My Daily
BTS' Jungkook said THIS about his military enlistment in recent livestream
Jungkook | My Daily

The idol then spoke about his fellow member J-Hope who recently enlisted in the military.

Our Hope hyung recently had a ceremony for completing training. Hope hyung uploaded a selfie on our group chat, and his eyes became very manly.

— Jungkook

JungKook then mentioned his own upcoming enlistment and reassured fans that he would cooly return.

Ah, I have to go (to the military), too, though. I’ll go and return cooly.

— Jungkook

Jungkook then shared his plans on how he would like to cut his hair for his inevitable enlistment.

Rather than cutting all my hair suddenly, I will gradually cut it shorter and shorter. It’s called hair-lighting (play on words from gaslighting), and I will keep cutting my hair shorter until you guys all of a sudden ask, What, when did his hair become so short? When did he buzz his hair? And so I will make it so that (my short haircut) feels natural.

— Jungkook

Currently, there has been no official schedule set for Jungkook’s enlistment. Currently, members Jin and J-Hope are serving in the military.

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