Locks of Wonder: The Incredible Hair Journey of a Six-Month-Old

While it’s quite common for a newborn to be born with a full head of gorgeous hair, it generally falls out within a few months before they begin to develop their more permanent mane. This black-haired, heart-stoppingly gorgeous small human is one of the few cases where the adorable infant retains their hairstyle far into their first year.

And while some use expensive hair care products and vitamins, others are naturally blessed with lush hair.

Baby Chanco is a six-month-old girl from Japan. Her mother shared her baby photos on Instagram and people had a hard time believing what they saw – this tiny baby has ridiculously exquisite hair.

Take a look at the beautiful girl below. Would you like to have hair like that?

Always been proud of your lustrous long hair? Well, you need to meet Baby Chanco from Japan, who’s become an Instagram sensation thanks to her voluminous hair.

Born with a head full of air, Chanco’s hair started to grow at a rapid speed month after month, so much so that it got her parent’s international fame and attention.

Chanco was born with a full head of hair and in six months only a mane grew and now the girl has some impressive locks.

This adorably hairy baby is now rocking some serious Elvis Presley-style hair, and people can’t look away. She currently has over 70k followers on Instagram.

She is beautiful! Hair or no that is a beautiful baby.

SOOO precious she is just adorable, I’d love to hold her. There is the kind of stories that keep me coming back to the internet.

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