There was one RAF pilot who told me that refuelling inflight was quite nerve wracking and it’s easy to see why , to the people who flew both the gas station in the sky and the people who needed the gas all of you have my undying respect and admiration. I doff my cap to you all, thank you
I’ll never forget the last air show at Castle Air foгсe base in California when the B52 made a fast pass at about 500FT, and рᴜɩɩed up at at the end of the runway at about a 45 degree angle at probably full throttle and just went up until you couldn’t see it any more. The wing flex was unbelievable.
I was in the Navy 25 + years. This videos bring back a lot of memories. I was a Machinery Repairman, and this reminds me of repairing pumps, And the steam turbines that рoweг them. I was a Boiler Tech my first 4 in, but as an MR I got to work on everything from LCACs, to air craft to AAVs. I гetігed as an MRC. Best job in the Navy.