Roadside Delivery: A Mother’s Unforgettable Birth in the Car

The body and the baby simply do it the way it was supposed to and when it does it just happens anywhere, at any time, without regard to set dates, time limits, or management of how, when, or how we give birth. Aren’t women amazing. Like the old saying, “All you need is a vagina & floor space”. Or in this case – back seat space! Champion management, and lovely birth supporters too.

33-year-old Dr. Gabriela Correia is seen giving birth in a gas station parking lot in a video that was uploaded on Instagram on 24. Her husband Gilberto Godoy, doula Joana Nunes, OB/GYN coworker Larissa Gomes, and photographer Deborah Ghelman, who captured the entire delivery procedure, are all included in the film Correia.

When it became clear that they wouldn’t make it to the hospital in time, Correia and Godoy, according to her, called in reinforcements. Correia has a 9 cm dilation. Pushing should begin when the cervix measures 10 cm.

In an interview with Globo, Correia said, “We couldn’t wait to know if it was a boy or a girl, but we preferred to wait and find out for the moment and enjoy another adventure.” I just didn’t anticipate it to be so many things at once. Ghelman said she’s glad the video is gaining global attention because it shows what women can do without medical intervention like an epidural.

Correia and Godoy are now proud parents of two sons: Dante and baby Artur. Artur, born October 24, has been discharged from the hospital and is home with his family. He’s super healthy and amazing,” Correia told Brazilian magazine. She also thanked her support network.

Everyone who was a part of the delivery process stood by me through the most trying moments. My first child died, and I had to go through a really difficult loss. They were at my side the entire time and gave me their support. So, I’ve traveled a long distance with them.

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