Scared Dog Who Only Knew Fear Discovers What Love Feels Like For The First Time

In August 2016, animal lovers Lexi Austen and her husband Ronnie founded All-Hearts Foundation, an animal rescue and rehabilitation center in Hartbeespoort, South Africa. The couple and their team rescue wolves, dogs and exotic animals., “Whether it be a human, animal, or any living creature, All-Hearts Foundation is there, helping all with a heartbeat.”

Dog Rescue: Scared Dog Who Only Knew Fear Discovers What Love Feels Like For The First Time

At the beginning of February 2024, Lexi received a call about a stray dog who had been running the streets and was in need of help. They were able to find the dog but actually being able to pick him up and take him home would be another story.

Lexi’s Patience Helped Calm the Terrified Dog

Lexi was unsure about the dog’s past, but it was clear to her that he was “definitely terrified and had been through extensive trauma.”  The dog, whom they call Jerry, was starving, covered in ticks, and had tried to hide himself in a corner to protect himself. They were unsure about his age, but Lexi described him as “very old.” 
Dog Rescue: Scared Dog Who Only Knew Fear Discovers What Love Feels Like For The First Time

His only defense was aggression and he was using it, continually baring his teeth and nipping at Lexi’s attempt to pet him in an effort to introduce him to the sense of touch. Throughout their interaction, Lexi remained calm and patient, talking to him in a soothing voice while trying to gain his trust. After almost an hour, she was finally able to pick him up and take him home.

Jerry’s Second Chance at Life

Dog Rescue: Scared Dog Who Only Knew Fear Discovers What Love Feels Like For The First Time

It was very important for Lexi and her team to establish a routine for Jerry as they worked on building his trust. He was held and comforted each morning by Lexi while the others (at least twelve dogs) followed behind into the yard for exercise and play. As the days went on Lexi “negotiated” with Jerry to get him to become more independent and confident, teaching him how to get out of his crate on his own and building relationships with the other dogs. It was slow going, but Lexi believes that “with animals, you do not force them. Everything is in their time.”

Dog Rescue: Scared Dog Who Only Knew Fear Discovers What Love Feels Like For The First Time

Lexi says that getting Jerry used to the sense of touch was the biggest obstacle. Jerry had never been shown love by humans and was leary of them. But after a couple of weeks of the same daily routine and the feeling of safety that Lexi provided to him, Jerry made his first attempt to touch her! She put her hand towards him, and he put his front paws up into her hand, wagging his tail behind him. He was experiencing happiness for the first time!

Jerry also created a special bond with a wire-haired terrier named Rook. Rook was gentle and patient with Jerry from the beginning, and Jerry learned how to play and become part of the pack because of Rook.

Help Support Jerry and Other Rescued Animals 

Dog Rescue: Scared Dog Who Only Knew Fear Discovers What Love Feels Like For The First Time

Jerry has come a long way in just a few weeks time, but still has a long way to go towards healing. He may never heal from his trauma, but he’s “grown by leaps and bounds already.” He will spend the rest of his life living happily at the sanctuary.

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