Today is my birthday hope I get some love here

A father is finally welcoming all four of his newborn quadruplets home – but sadly not his wife.

After Carlos and Erica Morales struggled to start a family, the birth of four children brought “the best day of my life”. Then ᴛʀᴀɢᴇᴅʏ struck. After Carlos Morales and his wife, Erica, sᴛʀᴜɢɢʟᴇᴅ for years to get married, the birth of four kids brought what he called “the best day of my life”.

But then, in a tragic twist of fate, heartbreak followed joy: Erica d.ied after giving birth. Now in Phoenix, Arizona, the father is raising four children alone – three girls and one boy.

People magazine, which originally covered Morales last week, provides an update on this week’s cover story. Two of the children went home to Morales, 29, shortly after they were born in January. The other couple joined the family last week. “It feels really good to have all four,” said Morales, appearing Wednesday with four on today. All babies are healthy and gain weight. “It was a stroke of luck.” We’re just trying our best. I really feel very, really grateful to everyone who came together and helped us,” he said.

He mentioned how the community is spreading out material support and financial donations through the GoFundMe page. Erica’s mother, Sondra Bridges, has moved in with her son-in-law to take care of the babies: Tracy, Paisley, Erica, and Carlos, Jr. Like Morales, she also expressed gratitude for the support her family continues to receive. “It’s funny how things turned out. It’s bittersweet, but at the same time, thanks to God and the overwhelming support of the public, it’s been phenomenal,” she said.

“And I want to say thank you to each and every one of you. We appreciate all the support we get from you guys. “Nothing in my life has made me this happy.” But then Erica, still under anesthesia, quickly fell into ʜʏᴘᴏᴠᴏʟᴇᴍɪᴄ sʜᴏᴄᴋ, an ᴇᴍᴇʀɢᴇɴᴄʏ involving massive ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ʟᴏss. She ᴅɪᴇᴅ within hours.

Despite his grief, Morales told the magazine he remained steadfast for his children. “These kids still don’t know what blessings they’ve given me. They’ve given me four reasons to live,” he said.

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