Stray Pup Covered In Thousands Of Ticks And Wire Embedded In Her Tail Shows Her True Strength.Thai

Blossom the dog was discovered by an OrphanPet volunteer in Greece. She had been lost on the streets for weeks, if not months. The poor dog was in terrible condition.

A chain cord got tangled in her tail and remained there for some time. The chain became greatly swollen as it was wrapped tightly around her tail.

It was also covered in ticks, which made the situation worse. A blood test revealed that her blood was abnormally thin as a result of the ticks. She wouldn’t have lived much longer if they hadn’t saved her.

Blossom was running out of time, and they realized they needed her help right away.

After bringing her in, they had to amputate her tail and give her a blood transfusion. They carefully and methodically removed as many ticks as possible one by one, but it took nearly a week to remove each dead tick.

Her transformation is really cool. She’s doing well now, and has made some new canine friends along the way. What’s more, the best part? She has been put up for adoption! She has found her forever home and is enjoying her second chance at life. She would not have survived if this volunteer had not found and brought her. Thank God for the kind rescuers at OrphanPet!

You can see her rescue and transformation in the video below. It’s really incredible!

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