The extraordinary life power of the infant has a cranium three times bigger than the average man.

Α hospital worker takes care of the sick girl left alone

This story touched the depths of my heart.

It all started in 2014 when Sarah met a three-month-old baby named Nika that her mother took to the hospital where she worked as a volunteer in Haiti. She was a recreational therapist for children and adolescents.

Fortunately, there are people who become angels willing to open her heart to help and that was what Sarah did, who without hesitation took it upon herself to ensure the health of this little girl.

Nika was born in a very precarious situation, her mother was engaged in prostitution. The baby suffered from a special condition, she stored excess cerebrospinal fluid in her head.

She urgently needed medical attention but her mother was not taking care of it, the girl was getting worse and over time Sara noticed that the girl was losing weight. Her mother felt ashamed for her, hid her and did not give her the attention or love that she needed from her.

But Nika was alive against all odds because typically 99% of babies with this condition die within the first year of life.

Sarah struggled to get proper care from her mother, she had free weekly medical treatments but made no effort to take her. Sarah had to return to the United States but she was committed to continue helping Nika.

Αnd she kept her promise. Sarah returned to Haiti but there was little she could do without the consent of Nika’s biological mother, who had been diagnosed with hydranencephaly. Much of her brain is missing and contains abundant cerebrospinal fluid, it is intuited that she had a stroke in utero.

“I learned that the mother possibly tried to terminate the pregnancy by consuming different types of toxic substances. In addition, the mother told me that she had tried to sell Nika to the Dominican Republic for “investigations”, but they did not accept her. Unfortunately it is horrible to say but this story is not uncommon for many children with disabilities in Haiti.

Sarah was ready for anything, so she went to Nika’s house accompanied by a local pastor and found something terrible: “I entered the house, only to discover Nika all alone, lying on a sack of rice and surrounded by garbage. . She was 11 months old and only weighed 2.72 kilos (6 pounds) and it is estimated that more than half of her weight is attributed to fluid retention.”

The next day she asked the authorities for Nika to be placed under her care, they approved her request and returned to her mother’s house, who without thinking gave her the girl. Αfter all the required documentation Nika finally became Sarah’s daughter, that although she had not had her in her womb, she was born from her heart.

Since then this little girl has received the love that she needed so much and that she had not had the opportunity to know. Last year Nika was approved for a medical visa to go to the United States, she underwent a surgical procedure that greatly improved her quality of life, the size of her head was reduced, and she lost a little more than 2 kilos (5 pounds) of fluid. detained.

For Sarah, each day is a blessing together with her little daughter, “With every breath she takes she defies the odds and proves that even the impossible really is possible with God.”

What a big heart Sarah’s! She became her angel, Nika’s life is a true miracle and it is thanks to her love. This is an inspiring story; sometimes we complain about problems or difficulties that are nothing compared to everything Nika had to go through and Sarah’s fight to save her.

You can always find a solution for everything and it is usually love. You can follow her progress from her Little Warrior Nika page, and that’s because she’s a warrior.

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