Tender Beginnings: Embracing the Newborn’s First Moments


The first moments after a baby’s birth are filled with adorable expressions. The baby’s adorable adult-like expressions will make your heart melt and delight. Children are very cute and it is a fact that, when they are just born, many babies look exactly like old people with wrinkled skin and frowning brows. The images of tiny hands, feet, or angelic faces were recorded by the baby with the most beautiful, but equally funny, real photos. Here are the “young old men and women” that make parents and everyone laugh uncontrollably with a unique way of expressing emotions when babies just come out of their mother’s wombs.

1. Wow, why don’t you give it to me, I don’t want to go out yet.

2. I’m OK mommy!

3. Meanwhile, this baby is probably thinking about what to eat today.

4. Bright smile with family!

5. When I was born, I heard that my father was a billionaire; I’m so happy, guys.

6. A “cool” pose, I dare you to do it.

7. I don’t know if it’s more fun out here than in the womb.

In the end, no matter how the babies are born, watching newborn babies always brings a lot of special feelings. It is not only because another member has come into the world, but also because the happiness and pride of the parents are spreading everywhere

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