The Struggle to Save an Abandoned Newborn Who Seemed Unwanted

The coronaʋirus is such a worrying global situation that it has led us to ʋvalue the life and company of our loved ones like never before.

But, apparently some people refuse to change and be better, committing terrifying acts that make us lose faith in humanity.

This is the story of a helpless newborn ƄeƄé who was left to his fate in the worst way and in the most inhospitable place, as if the evil person who committed such an act, in addition to leaving him exposed to many dangers, wanted no one to do it. found it and could get it out.

Everything happened in the State of Yucatán, in Mexico, in an extensive area to the south of the popular city of Cancún, a place where elements of the Quintana Roo Police arrived, thanks to an anonymous complaint made to the emergency number, 911, by the tomorrow.

Paramedics also went to the place to find out the state of health of the ƄeƄé. None of those present could avoid being shocked by the sad scene: the little boy was no more than 42 centimeters tall and, if he had no injuries, he was completely naked, without any stretch garment to protect him from the inclement weather.

It was precisely the director of the Red Cross, an institution to which the paramedics belong, who announced that the little boy only had a thin blanket for protection and there was no element that could facilitate his identification.

“They didn’t even leave him at the doors of a church, a school, a house, a park… in a place where he could be quickly seen and helped. In addition, this is a popular area considered highly dangerous”, said the director Amilcar Galaʋiz.

Subsequently, the ƄeƄé was transferred to the facilities of the Jesús Kumate General Hospital, where he could be subjected to a more in-depth medical analysis and, when the specialists consider that he is out of danger, he will be taken to the institution for minors DIF (System for the Integral Development of the Family) who will be in charge of taking care of it.

For his part, the Secretary of Public Security of Quintana Roo, named Eduardo Capella IƄarra, could not help but show his discomfort at the abandonment of the ƄeƄé in such deploraƄl conditions and in the midst of the coronaʋirus outbreak.

“This is really not having a mother. And in this complicated time worse. Fortunately, we rescued him in good health. Today my colleagues from the Quintana Roo Police rescued a newborn ƄeƄé on SM 236 that he was abandoned. He is being treated at the General Hospital,” Capella said.

All children are a gift of life who deserve to be treated in the best way. It is so unfair that acts as sad as this continue to happen, until when will we learn?

Little angels like the ƄeƄé in this case have the right to grow up surrounded by a loving family that cares for them. Let’s avoid them getting hurt! Don’t leave without sharing.

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