The Swift-West Saga: A Comprehensive Timeline of Taylor Swift and Kanye West’s Feud

From stage crashing to secretly recording phone calls, here’s a breakdown of the feud between Taylor Swift and Kanye West

It’s no secret that Taylor Swift and Kanye West’s relationship can be described as volatile at best.

It all started when the rapper ambushed Swift’s acceptance speech for Video of the Year at the 2009 MTV VMAs — for which he later

apologized. Then, in 2016, West released the track “Famous” with the controversial lyrics, “I feel like me and Taylor might still have

sex. Why? I made that bitch famous.”

Swifties were outraged and West’s then-wife, Kim Kardashian, came to his defense by sharing a phone call between West and Swift

that seemingly proved the rapper and the “Cruel Summer” singer discussed the track ahead of its release.

More than 10 years after the night that started it all, here’s the complete timeline of Taylor Swift and Kanye West’s longtime feud.

September 13, 2009: Kanye West interrupts Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards



The moment that started it all. When Swift was awarded the moon man for Best Female Video for “You Belong with Me” in 2009, West climbed the stairs to interrupt Swift’s acceptance speech with the now-infamous proclamation, “Yo, Taylor, I’m really happy for you, I’ma let you finish, but Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all time!” Shortly after, a stunned Swift told reporters, “I was standing on stage and I was really excited because I’d just won the award and then I was really excited because Kanye West was on stage … And then I wasn’t excited anymore after that.”

September 14, 2009: Kanye West addresses interrupting Taylor Swift on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
“I immediately knew in the situation that it was wrong and it was a spectacle,” West said, also attributing the outburst to a mixture of “sincerity and alcohol” on Ellen. “It’s actually someone’s emotions that I stepped on. It was very, it was rude, period. I’d like to be able to apologize to her in person.”

September 15, 2009: Taylor Swift reveals that Kanye West called her to apologize
“Kanye did call me and he was very sincere in his apology, and I accepted that apology,” the “Blank Space” singer told ABC Radio in 2009. “The support I got from other artists and from the fans, and so many people sticking up for me, that’s what got me to the place where I could accept that apology. And I’m just very thankful that everyone showed me so much love.”

September 12, 2010: Taylor Swift performs “Innocent,” a song rumored to be about Kanye West, at the MTV Video Music Awards
Swift performed “Innocent” off her album Speak Now at the 2010 MTV VMAs. The song is said to be about the rapper: “It’s all right / Just wait and see / Your string of lights is still bright to me / Who you are is not where you’ve been / You’re still an innocent / … It’s okay / Life is a tough crowd / 32 and still growing up now.”

June 16, 2013: Kanye West says he takes back his apology to Taylor Swift
“I don’t have one regret. If anyone’s reading this waiting for some type of full-on, flat apology for anything, they should just stop reading right now,” he told the New York Times. “I have, as a human being, fallen to peer pressure.”

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