This Explosive Volcanic Eruption in Tonga was Visible Even From Space!


Tonga’s Underwater Volcano Erupts and Shocks the World – A Must-Watch Video!

Mother Nature can be both beautiful and terrifying at the same time, and this video proves it! On January 15, 2022, a huge underwater volcano near the South Pacific Ocean erupted, leaving the world in awe of its destructive power. NASA’s satellites captured the eruption on video, which is a sight to behold.

On January 14, 2022, after being dormant for seven years, a massive underwater volcano near Tonga in the South Pacific Ocean suddenly erupted. The next day, NASA satellites captured stunning images of the colossal explosion that lit up the sky. Scientists are calling it “off-the-scale weird” as this eruption has produced unprecedented results.

But what happened next is beyond what anyone could have predicted. The eruption was 500 times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb, releasing a blast equivalent to 10-18 megatons of TNT. The shockwave from the eruption traveled at close to the speed of sound, ringing the Earth’s atmosphere like a bell.

Incredible footage shows the shockwave hitting people on a nearby island, causing fear and panic. GPS satellites detected disturbances in the ionosphere, and barometers all over Europe detected atmospheric pressure changes of 2 to 3 millibars.

The eruption also triggered tsunamis all around the Pacific Ocean and even in distant ocean basins, which is extremely rare for a submarine volcano to do. The United States West Coast and Hawaii even went under a tsunami advisory.

Scientists say this eruption is “off-the-scale weird,” and it’s left them with more questions than answers. Could this be a sign that more volcanoes will erupt soon? Only time will tell.


In conclusion, this video is a must-watch for anyone fascinated by the power of nature. It’s both terrifying and mesmerizing, leaving viewers in awe of the forces that shape our planet. So, grab some popcorn and prepare to be amazed by the incredible footage of this explosive event!

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