What If a White Hole and Black Hole Collided? Here’s What Would Happen!
The universe is full of incredible and mysterious objects, including black holes and white holes. These two phenomena are extremely powerful and destructive, but what would happen if they collided? Could such a collision even occur? And which one would come out on top? Join us as we explore the exciting world of black holes and white holes and discover what would happen if they were to collide!

Let’s start by introducing our contenders. In one corner, we have the mighty black hole, known for its ability to consume everything in its path. In the other corner, we have the enigmatic white hole, which expels energy rather than sucking it in. These two objects have completely opposite attack strategies, but who would win if they were to face off?
Despite our lack of knowledge about white holes, scientists believe that they are more experienced than black holes when it comes to conquering space. In fact, they theorize that white holes used to be black holes themselves, expelling all the energy and matter they consumed over millions of years. However, when a black hole becomes a white hole, it may not last very long, so it would need to act quickly if it wanted to pick a fight with a black hole.
Despite being different from black holes, white holes are just as destructive, if not more so. The matter they eject moves at the speed of light, making them the veteran fighters in this situation. However, when our two opponents finally meet after battling asteroids, planets, and even stars, the black hole gains an instant advantage.

The white hole will do its best to prevent the black hole from overtaking it, but unfortunately, it doesn’t stand a chance. The white hole has no choice but to spit energy at its opponent, which is being turned into energy for the black hole. The battle won’t be quick either, as the black hole can feed on the white hole for thousands of years, getting larger and larger in the process.

In conclusion, if a white hole and black hole collided, we would have a massive black hole roaming the universe, destroying everything in its path. While this scenario is purely hypothetical, it’s fascinating to consider what could happen if these two incredible objects were to face off. Who knows what other mysteries the universe holds, waiting to be discovered and explored?