Woman in US Gives Birth to Six Babies in Just 9 Minutes

A mum in the US has earned the non-existent title of ‘World’s Champion of Childbirth’ after giving birth to six babies in less than 10 minutes.

Thelma Chiaka passed her sextuplets – which were comprised of two pairs of twin boys and one pair of twin boys – between 4.50am and 4.59am on Friday at the Woman’s Hospital of Texas in Houston.

The babies weighed between 1lb 12oz and 2lb and 14oz and were all in a stable condition in the hospital’s advanced neonatal intensive care unit.

The hospital shared the staggering news in a statement, in which it said the chances of Thelma giving birth to sextuplets was one in 4.7 billion… which makes you wonder what the odds are of giving birth to sextuplets in less than 10 minutes.

In an interview, Thelma Chiaka stated that she had no idea she was delivering six children. According to her, an initial scan revealed that they were expecting four children, and they were given the surprise of a lifetime on the day of the birth.

She said: “We didn’t know we were having 6 babies. Initial scan showed 4. We only got to know they were six on the day of delivery. I was so excited having waited for some time for God to bless us with such beautiful gifts.”

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