Captυriпg Miracles: Newborп Images Offer a Glimpse iпto the Woпders of Childbirth

Use the words “birth photography” for a mom, and you’re set to get one of two reactions.

Either moms are fascinated by the idea or more than a little scared by having someone with a camera capturing an intimate moment.

Ask a photographer, on the other hand, and the reactions are very similar: birth photography, as Laura Eckert says, is addictive. Eckert is the woman behind New Ϲreatio Photography, an Iowa photography studio, but she’s also the mom behind the popular Facebook group Birth Photography, a place where people like her share images of magical moments inside delivery rooms and bedrooms. where babies come into the world.

Why would a child want a camera in the room containing the most personal moments of their life? Well, when you ask Eckert, the better question is why not?

“We take photos of all the milestones and events in our lives, big or small, from hiring a wedding photographer to taking your own iPhone photos of what we’re eating,” Eckert told The Stir. “Why wouldn’t you capture beautiful, tasteful images of one of the most important days of your life?

“Birth is MUCH more than just that moment.”

Some moms are easily sold on birth photography: they don’t know anything about a camera in the delivery room. But why not let your partner do the honors? Well, says Lidsay Dever, a former wedding photographer, your partner is supposed to be there for you, to capture the birth.

Pod didn’t hire a young man to do the least when she gave birth, and she regrets it.

“[My husband] captured certain images that I wanted, but drinking my playground, he was attentive to me and less interested in photographing the first breath and the first moments,” Dever recalled. “Some of the photos were out of focus, and the worst part was that his camera had accidentally set the size of the images to email mode. All the images were basically broken. If we ever have another 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦, I will insist on hiring a professional!”

Moms like Dever are behind a good faith climb. In fact, these days, hiring someone to photograph your birth is so popular that there is an actual birth photographers association with members all over the world.

As Eckert explains, it’s not just about getting photos of 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦, it’s about capturing your own memories.

“Many times, moms who are actually in the moment of their birth don’t have many memories of exactly what we did during their labor. Seeing their birth photos really helps fill in the gaps as they ‘relive’ their birth through the eye of the camera,” says Eckert, “not to mention for women who have the opportunity to relive their own birth at some point. later!”

Doesn’t it sell whether or not the birth photograph is for you? The Stir asked some of the best people in bridal to share some of their most beautiful images, and the stories behind why they do what they do.

Number 10 is such a magical photo. Would you pay to have one like this?

Imagen by New Ϲreation Photography

Lindsay Pond is a young woman who dedicated herself to photography two years ago.

“You’ll never get those first moments back,” she says. “First breath, fresh wooden cord, 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 covered with vertigo, brothers gathered for the first. The baby gets latched for the first time… It’s magical and it happens very quickly.”

Hads Out

“Birth is powerful, emotional and beautiful,” says photographer Ϲallie Ϲombs of Birmiğgham, Alabama, who captured this magical shot. “It brings out our real raw emotions from mom, dad and the whole family. I love being able to capture these amazing, indescribable moments demonstrated by new parents, siblings and extended family. I love documenting every precious detail that makes your birth story unique.”

Here for mom

“Being able to give families the ability to look back and appreciate the process that brought their little brother into the world makes it all worth it,” says photographer Katia Grodi. “I have never felt so at home, so full of love and happiness, which I do when I hear how much my clients love their images. I think this sentiment is what they mean by ‘if you love your job, you will never work a day in your life!’”

A new arrival

This image comes from photographer Brittay Buitro’s first birth session, and as she said: “I am very happy with the images. It’s something you can never get back.

Not only is she addicted to birth photography and working to get new clients, she adds, “I wasn’t scared of having my own 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 like my husband thought would be amazing.”

Well hello!

“There is something spiritual about being in the room where a new life breathes for the first time, opens its eyes for the first time, cries and makes its presence known to the rest of the world,” says photographer Nelly Ker-Fox de Ker – Fox Photography.

“It is one of the most important moments in a father’s life. I love being able to give the confidence and responsibility of capturing that moment, that 1/125th of a second where your whole life changes, forever. The emotion is raw, there is substance, it is photojournalism… anticipating a moment, being present on the coast and, sometimes, quickly changing aspects of the delivery.”

That first look

“Para mí, como fotógrafa de nacimientos, lo más mágico es el amor casi palpable que provoca un nacimiento”, dice Sophia Gueiros Ϲosta, la madre detrás de Three Plus Photography, quien tomó esta fotografía de una madre primeriza después de más de 40 horas de trabajo de parto. . “Nuevo amor por el nuevo 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦, y renovado amor entre los padres.

“Es un evento lleno de emociones crudas y momentos fugaces. Parpadea, y el momento es bueno, y es exactamente por eso que estoy más que agradecido de poder inmortalizar estos momentos para tantas familias”.

a casa de mamá

“Fotografiar el nacimiento de una familia es bastante increíble”, dice Tammy Bradshaw, quien capturó esta imagen después de un parto en casa. “Es un gran honor que me contraten para documentar el momento más importante de la vida de alguien, y ¿qué podría ser más importante que ser 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧?

“A menudo, en el torbellino de actividad y emociones, olvidamos cómo fueron esos primeros momentos y el viaje que condujo al nacimiento: la fuerza y ​​​​la belleza de una madre que trabaja, las copiones de esquí a esquí que se hacen en la oscuridad. de la luz, o la forma en que se ve la luz de la morgue cuando se refleja en la cara de 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 el día del nacimiento. Un fotógrafo de nacimientos conserva esos momentos para que se reconstruyan en una historia, que se puede volver a contar una y otra vez en los años venideros”.

¡Estoy aquí!

Sylvia Wedel, la fotógrafa detrás de esta increíble foto, dice: “En cada parto al que asistí, es increíble ver y capturar a un 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 en el mundo, respiran por primera vez, se calman en el brazo de mamá y miran hacia el de papá. ojos. Ver a esos abuelos primerizos derretirse totalmente allí mismo, en la habitación. ¡Es TAN increíble ser parte de eso y ayudarlos a capturar esos momentos cambiantes de la vida! Estaría mintiendo si dijera que alguna vez lloré… Creo que lloro en cada parto”.

Bebé y yo

“Brindar una nueva vida al mundo es algo poderoso y asombroso”, dice la fotógrafa Leah Jept de Dayto, Ohio. “Ser capaz de capturar el amor y la emoción en una sala de partos es simplemente el sentimiento más fantástico del mundo. También siento que ser fotógrafa de nacimientos me convierte en una mejor madre. La magia de estar presente en un parto me acompaña por varios días”.

In Estos Hands …

“Hasta el día de hoy, todavía me sorprende que en realidad crezcamos personas delgadas junto a nosotros, y poder darles a los padres la capacidad de mirar hacia atrás a esas pequeñas personas que llegan al mundo es mi verdadero llamado”, dice la fotógrafa Katia Grodi.

Duerme bien pequeño One

Cuando se le preguntó por qué la fotografía de nacimientos, a Neely Ker Fox le gusta decirles a las mamás: “Estas fotos son elegantes, poderosas, íntimas, invaluables… y muy gráficas”.

Holding On por primera vez

“I’ve had a lot of moms regret NOT hiring me, but I’ve never had a client regret hiring me,” Steele says. “Once they see the final product, most moms are very happy and any doubts they had about hiring me are completely buried. They are so happy that their birth is preserved and they can relive it whenever they want. And many times they hire me again to photograph their next birth. This fall I will be documenting the birth of my first three-peat client!”

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