Birth photos of mothers holding their babies for the first time

Mothers, you undoubtedly have a vivid recall of that first, miraculous moment when you held your newborn. One of the most intense moments for each mother is holding her child in her arms. Is everything a blur or were you able to capture that moment in your mind’s and heart’s timeline? There is no emotion that compares to the moment you become a mother, but there is nothing more precious than seeing your partner for the first time with your child. There’s something special about seeing the person you love the most with your child, regardless of how your baby was produced or how this small human was brought into the world.

Women, never apologise for your actions or birth-related decisions. You encourage other women to follow in your footsteps when you OWN your experience and take pleasure in your journey. Whichever method you used, you’ve just created a human being! The entire globe ought to be bowed at your feet. Lauren Curtis She brilliantly depicts the excitement, happiness, love, and sheer fatigue that women experience in the first moments they embrace their newborn newborns in this incredible sequence of potent pictures.

I can’t help but feel happy when I’m skin-to-skin with my baby. The baby has just been born and has not been cut, cuddling with his mother so cute.

Feelings when I first saw my mother, who supported me throughout my pregnancy. The baby’s face scowled, and happiness was reflected on the mother’s face.

The smile of parents’ happiness when they see the little angel, a burst of happiness.

Tears of happiness, joy and pride. Thank you for coming, safe and healthy with my parents right now.

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