BTS is dominating the global iTunes charts with their brand new song for the animated film “Bastions

BTS is dominating the global iTunes charts with their brand new song for the animated film “Bastions.”


On May 12, BTS released the song “The Planet,” which serves as the soundtrack for the upcoming animated film “Bastions.”

According to reports from Sports Kyunghyang, “The Planet” quickly climbed to the top of the charts in multiple countries immediately after its release. As of May 13, the song has secured the number one spot on the iTunes Top Songs chart in at least 67 different regions, including the United States, France, and Australia.

“Bastions” tells the story of superheroes fighting against environmental pollution and is set to premiere on SBS at 7:30 p.m. on May 14. With BTS providing the soundtrack, fans can expect an epic and unforgettable cinematic experience.

But that’s not all – BTS fans have even more to look forward to in the coming months. On July 9, the group will release their own book titled “Beyond The Story: 10-Year Record of BTS.” The book, written by journalist Kang Myeongseok and BTS members themselves, is expected to be a massive hit and will be released in one million copies in the US and South Korea.

The English translation of the book is reportedly being handled by Anton Hur, with the collaboration of Clare Richards and Slin Jung, according to the New York Times.

BTS has once again proven their incredible talent and influence in the music industry with the success of “The Planet.” Fans all over the world can’t wait to see what else the group has in store for them in the future.

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