Different appearance: Even though this girl is 20 years old, she looks like a 4-year-old child but still works hard for her passion(VIDEO)

Michelle Elizabeth Ches is a remarkable 20-year-old young woman who defies expectations and perceptions due to her rare medical condition known as Holloman Streif syndrome.

This syndrome, which was diagnosed by geneticists, is so exceptionally rare that at the time of her birth, there were only 250 known cases worldwide. This condition comes with a myriad of characteristics, some of which Michelle experiences.

The primary features of Holloman Streif syndrome include craniofacial abnormalities such as bilateral cataracts, a prominent forehead, a receded chin, a small nose, and airway stenosis. In addition to these primary characteristics,

Michelle also has secondary features like dwarfism, cardiomyopathy, pulmonary lung disease, mitral gastrea, fragile bones, skin atrophy, and alopecia. Her life is a testament to her resilience in the face of adversity.

Despite the challenges she faces, Michelle remains a vibrant and happy individual who enjoys various activities, including computer gaming, watching movies, playing with her beloved dog Piper, and working at her job, even though she may not particularly like it.

She longs for friendships and the experience of a romantic relationship, just like any other young adult.

Michelle’s family plays a significant role in her life, and her older sister Hayley fondly describes their sibling relationship, acknowledging that they have their share of typical sisterly disagreements. Michelle’s family also faces challenges related to government proposals to change medical coverage, as she requires 24-hour care to remain at home and avoid institutionalization.

Michelle’s dreams are as inspiring as her spirit. She aspires to become a pediatric doctor in the ER and has backup plans of becoming a fashion designer. Her confidence, independence, and compassion for others make her an exceptional individual who leaves a lasting impression on everyone she meets.

While Michelle’s long-term prognosis remains uncertain and she has encountered health scares, she continues to defy the odds, living life to the fullest and embracing her uniqueness. In Michelle’s own words, she acknowledges that she may be different from the average 20-year-old, but she celebrates her individuality and inspires those around her with her strength and positivity.


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