Doυble Delight: Pareпts Welcome Newborпs with Dυal Faces

Galang Andika was born, and according to medical professionals, he belongs to the rare category of identical twins, an occurrence observed in only two out of every fifty births.

He has a body and a head, but has two distinct animating faces and an additional face from his fully developed sibling.

He also suffered from hydrocephalus, a fluid brain disease, which left him with long-term physical weakness, disability and even death.

Kelann’s parents said they were surprised by the diagnosis.

The doctors told them he was breech and showed that his head was very large, but they said they never liked his breech position to be the way it was.

The parents were asked to take him to a hospital in Jakarta for treatment, but they said they had to take him home because they could not afford his care.

They said Kelann’s prognosis was not good.

He gained weight because he couldn’t drink milk properly and doctors said his chances of survival were slim.

Now all the family can do is pray for a mігасɩe for Inside Editionn dot-com.

I’m Vera Montalbano

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