Enduring Absence: The Heart-Wrenching Tale of a Girl’s 21-Year Struggle.

Khadija Khatoon, 21 years old, was born into a poor family in Kolkata, Eastern India. Looking at her face, one can only see a bundle of excess skin and not eyes or nose. On her face there is only a small gap.

 Khadija was born with a face without eyes or nose.

Khadija was born with a face without eyes or nose.

Mr. and Mrs. Rashid Mulla and Amina Bibi, Khadija’s parents, said that at first they did not know about their daughter’s dangerous condition, but when she was two months old and still could not open her eyes, they became really worried.

They took the poor girl to the hospital but the doctors couldn’t do anything more for her. The doctor did not dare to perform surgery because it could affect her life. Doctors speculated that it might be a tumor.

Khadija was returned home in increasingly worse condition as the excess skin grew larger on her face. With the tumor growing larger, the young girl had no choice but to accept living with it.

 With this face, the girl could not go to school so her family were the only friends she had.

With this face, the girl could not go to school so her family were the only friends she had.

However, she couldn’t help but feel sad when she couldn’t go to school and didn’t have any friends. For her, family are her only friends and loved ones.

Khadija’s family’s income is only 70 pounds a month (about more than 2 million VND). That’s why, even though they wanted to take their child for further examination and treatment, her parents were “unable to do so”.

 With too low an income, the family cannot treat their daughter.

With too low an income, the family cannot treat their daughter.

Moved by the pitiful situation of the young girl, a government employee posted Khadija’s case on Facebook to call for the community’s help.

Doctor Anirban Deep Banerjee, upon learning of Khadija’s condition, said she suffered from Neurofibromatosis, a disease that makes patients more susceptible to developing tumors than usual.

According to the doctor, it is possible that a malignant tumor is growing in the girl’s face. If the girl is ready, doctors can conduct other tests to see if surgery is possible.

The Crowdfunder website was created with the purpose of raising funds to help Khadija perform surgery to remove a tumor on her face because her family could not afford to cover medical expenses.

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