Life without parents. No one believes we are alive: this video will make you cry (VIDEO)

Most times we can’t really tell the value of what we have until it is gone.

He is called augustine, he is 14 years old.

He is called Emmanuel, he is 11 years old.

These two kids live here alone and the elder one is facing a problem of a serious burnt face and body, and they are always trying to survive because they are on their own.

Right now Augustine says that in the beginning things were not at all like this and their life was totally different from what everyone is seeing right now.

But at a certain point life changed and the world turned against them.

At this age they had a happy family, a father, a mother, and they did not lack clothes, food, education and even parental love.

They were living normally, just like any other family should be, but they never at all thought that one day this would change.

They grew a bit and Augustine 10, 10 years old, while his little brother was seven, and at this point everything was well and they went to school without worrying about food or anything of that sort, because it was always available.

A few days later, policemen came and arrested their father, but these two did not know what was going on.

They saw their mother crying, begging them to free her husband, but it was not quite possible.

Their mother kept on following up their father’s kiss, just like a wife should.

She visited him every day in prison and one day they went to court and their father was sentenced to 30 years of imprisonment, which was terrible.

Augustine says that at this moment his mother was so confused thinking about how she was going to manage her life with these children and without a job and be able to feed them or by them basic needs in their life, which was a situation that was not easy at all.

According to Augustine, their mother did not at all tell them what their father was arrested for because they were still so young, and she thought that it would affect them negatively.

So she promised them that one day, when they are old enough, she would surely tell them.

She kept on looking for some jobs to do in order for them to get what to eat on a daily basis, and she worked so hard to earn it and also sold most of the property that they had in the house so that she could afford a life for her and her children.

She always visited her husband in prison and showed him pictures of his children and how they kept growing and when she returned home she always told her children that their father was missing them and he loved them so much.

They had to move on without their father because, according to the time that he was going to spend in prison, they could not start expecting him anytime soon.

So they had to find a way to keep their life going, which was something that was not easy at all.

She worked so hard and spent many sleepless nights and working all day just to get money.

Well, it should be normal, but for this lady it was too much, because she always came back home Ted and she couldn’t rest when she got home too.

These children did not know what their mother was doing, because they were at school and they always met her in the evening when she came back home and her friends always advised her to get dressed, but she couldn’t until she got food for her and her children.


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