Miracle Baby: Record-Breaking Girl Born Weighing 6.02kg

Recοrd οf a 6.02kg Baby Girl whο Brewed at the Hοsρital

Last week, a 6.02kg baby girl was born at the Rockhampton Hospital in Queensland, and she is just stunning. Maisie Lily Macdonald was born one week early via a -st, to to the delight of her parents, Mason Macdonald and Makaela Kirkby. Aubree Rose, Maisie’s 17-month-old sister, was likewise a large baby at birth, weighing around 5kg. Mr. Macdonald uploaded on his Facebook page a picture of his daughter being lifted over the surgical table by her doctors.

“I’d want to introduce everyone to Maisie Lily Macdonald,” he tweeted. She is the largest baby ever delivered in Rockhampton Hospital, weighing in at 13 pounds, 4 ounces (6,020 kilograms). The mother exclaims, “Welcome to the world and the family, you enormous infnt.” His post has received hundreds of likes and over 110 comments, with the majority being good wishes. Others took advantage of the circumstance to mock their kid, but they were quickly silenced. Even the mother of the biggest baby ever born in Queensland, Oliver “Ollie” Stock (born in 2013 and weighing 6.7kg), showed her support through Facebook.

“Congratulations to all of you. I saw the FB post that one of my friends had copied me on. Back in 2013, I was the one who had Oliver Stock (not Stokes). “Don’t listen to anyone who tells you she’s uɢʟʏ; she’s stu.nning, and I’m sure you’re pleased,” Patricia Stock remarked. “I know I took a hit when Oliver was born, and I don’t want anyone else to feel the same way.” It’s a lovely happy moment, and people just have to spo.il it every now and again.” People may be nᴀsty, especially when they don’t understand what the family has gone through. Congratulations again, she’s a stu.nning little bubba.”

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