Miracυloυs Reυпioп: Baby Foυпd Alive Uпder Rυbble Reυпites with Mother After 3 Moпths

It was previously reported that the mother of the child had in Turkey during the tu.

The 3-month-old infant spent 128 hours in the u of a s u before being su in Turkey following the tu. Medical personnel named him “Mystery” and cared for her prior to locating her mother.

54 days after they were separated in Turkey’s ts tu, a mother and her newborn daughter have been reunited. According to Reuters, authorities transported 3-month-old Vetin and her mother, Yasemin Begdas, to a hospital in Adana..LeNhung

A D.N. The test confirmed that Yasemin Begdas is the child’s mother.

According to Reuters, Family and Social Affairs Minister Derya Yanik stated that reuniting a mother with her infant is one of the world’s most important duties.

The infant, who was reportedly born 128 hours after the February 6 tu in Hatay province, was reportedly given the Turkish name Gizem, which means “mystery.”

“The infant is a true marvel. “The fact that she su and had no t s affected our ts,” Yanik stated.

According to a statement from the ministry, Vetin’s father and two siblings were also in the tu.

Monday, Minister Derya Yanik shared a video on social media that documented her current voyage.

Yanik tweeted, “Fifty-four days of yearning are over.” “Vetin is now also our child. As a ministry, we will always stand by your side.”

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