Oпe-Year-Old Girl with Lυxυrioυs Loпg Black Hair Becomes Soυght-After Hair Model for Top Braпds

There’s nothing we wouldn’t do or try to get thick and beautiful shiny hair. And we guarantee you that after seeing this 1-year-old’s full head of hair, it would make any woman in their 20’s or 30’s get hair envy.

Baby Chanco became an internet sensation last year with her shiny voluminous head of hair. The Japanese baby who was born in December 2017 went viral when she was just 4 months old. WHAT?!!

Setting Major #Hairgoals

Fast forward to 2019, the 1-year-old is now on the brand new advertisement of Pantene. She made her debut on the TV commercial along with TV announcer Sato Kondo. Sato Kondo gained admiration from people for choosing to keep her natural grey hair. Pantene has also released a video titled The Hairy Tale which stars Chanco. And we have to say, it’s really cute..LeNhung

Styling It Up With A Bow

Her thick mane has made her the newest face of the brand and she has also appeared in Japan’s ad campaign of the hair-care brand. The ad campaign encourages women to express themselves. Chanco’s mother says she is quite surprised by the reaction her daughter is getting. Having received praises from so many countries, she says she is really proud of her little one.

Chanco made her internet debut when her mother first posted a picture on the social media account last May. Since then, the hair diva has garnered a huge following on Instagram while also appearing on Marie Claire, Allure and People magazine.

It’s her story in People that caught the hair-product brand’s attention, and the rest is for you to see.

The Pantene ad campaign encourages Japanese women to not give in to conformity but to own their power instead. P&G Japan’s haircare associate brand director, Yoshiaki Okura says that Chanco’s persona and her character fits exactly the kind of women they want to support. Okura also believes that baby Chanco’s hair is powerful and has a positive impact on people.

We often see babies being born with soft wispy hair or peach fuzz. Some babies do have thicker or longer hair than others. But rarely do we get to see a baby with a thick and long mane like Chanco. Her mother says that baby Chanco came out of her womb with a full head of hair.

However, there are many people who question if the hair is real. Some people think it’s a wig, while there are others who believe it might be hair extensions or the magic of photoshop. But it’s real, people! Looking at the pictures is sure to leave you in awe.

Being just 1 year old, Chanco has achieved a lot more than anyone could ever imagine at her age. She is constantly setting hair goals for everyone out there leaving more than her 390,000 followers flabbergasted. All thanks to her mommy Mami Kano who first introduced her little one to the world by posting her pictures.

Want To Know The Secret?

To those who are wondering what is the secret behind baby Chanco’s impressive mane, Mami Kano says it’s just brushing and letting her hair be. So, basically, it’s just in her genes.

Chanco’s mom says that she wishes to keep her daughter’s hair long. She also says she wants to try some new hairstyles on Chanco’s hair in the future.

We cannot wait to see how this little Rapunzel’s luscious locks will look when she is a teenager. Who knows, she might have already made a career for herself in modeling, thanks to her impressive hair.

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